If you’d like to get to know yourself better, heal your relationships, and experience real connection, 

Equine-Assisted support may be a great fit for you.

Come on out and experience what you’ve been hearing about!

EAP with JEM Wellness & Counseling supports recovery for individuals, couples, and families from addiction, healing from trauma, anxiety, depression, disordered eating, as well as understanding your emotions and how to be in relationships. EAP is also effective for teambuilding and group experiences for corporate and leadership teams.

Because of the experiential nature of this work and its and effectiveness, it can be considered a long-term or short-term modality and can be a helpful adjunct to in-office psychotherapy. We can be your primary therapy or if you are currently in therapy, we will work with your therapist to integrate your areas of growth and learning in your EAP sessions to build upon the skills you are developing in your talk therapy sessions.

This evidence-based approach is about healing, getting to know yourself better, and creating and maintaining healthy, connected relationships. Because horses are highly sensitive, clients can work through their life struggles by interacting with the horses without feeling judgment or interpretation by another person. Horses may be the perfect partner on your journey.


  • Individual & Family Equine-assisted Support
  • JEM’s twice monthly Equine-assisted Support Group (registration required)
  • Half & Full-day Equine-assisted experiences (see “Events” page for current offerings)
    • Workshops 
    • Retreats
  • Leadership Team Building & Cohesion 
    • 2-hour group experience
    • Half-day retreat

JEM EAP is offered at Brookside Ranch

5731 Brookside Rd.
Brookside Village, TX 77581

No horse experience necessary.

All the work is done on the ground (no riding involved) with our special and therapeutic herd of horses, ponies, mini-horses and donkeys.

After an initial assessment, the JEM Wellness & Counseling team will recommend an EAP treatment plan designed to support you toward meeting your goals. We are trained in Natural Lifemanship and Eagala models of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning.

Our Accreditations & Affiliations

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