Curated and Accelerated Growth, Healing & Recovery

We hear from individuals and families about their struggle to find mental/emotional healthcare that is truly effective in getting them to their goals, personalized for their unique needs, and has the flexibility to work around their complex lives and schedules.  If you or your family can identify with this experience, JEM Concierge is for you.

JEM Concierge offers you and your family full and immediate access to our specialized wrap-around therapeutic services, curated for you by our Assessment and Treatment Team of board-certified and licensed clinicians with your needs, interests, and preferences in mind.  We offer this next-level care with numerous benefits, which traditional therapy models cannot offer due to overflowing caseloads, burnout, limited capability, and more.

Your JEM Concierge treatment team has the time, capacity, and skill to promptly assess and treat your therapeutic & wellness needs, access additional resources when necessary, conduct research to enhance your treatment, and create cohesion among your complete health treatment team on your behalf.

What’s included in JEM Concierge?

You and your treatment team will curate a plan for you or your family by selecting from our tailored service offerings. You’ll experience the unparalleled care that has guided clients toward growth, healing, and recovery.

Every new JEM Concierge client will receive an initial comprehensive assessment to determine the recommended treatment program for them.  This will help the treatment team assess areas of focus, recommended modalities, and frequency of interventions.

Below are the benefits you can expect and rely on when you become a client of JEM Concierge.

Absolutely Confidential & Private

Many people are unaware that insurance companies require a diagnosis to authorize payment and have access to therapeutic records. The JEM concierge team keeps information private and protected, giving you control over your privacy while receiving the care and support you need without constraints or privacy concerns from insurance companies.

Personalized Care

JEM Concierge offers limited openings for our program. This provides the necessary space and time needed for your treatment and wellness team to reflect on your case between sessions, stay current with indicated evidence-based interventions that could benefit you, and collaborate amongst your providers on your behalf for the highest quality care possible for you and your family.

Enhanced Clinician Access

The JEM Concierge team is more accessible than in a traditional therapy model. This is evident in our comprehensive communication options (in-person, telehealth, email, phone, and text),  on-request time scheduling, rapid response time for communication requests, and our flexible session location offerings.

  • Communication by phone, email, telehealth, and text (HIPAA compliant): You can always check in between your sessions, even if you do not have an appointment.

  • Direct access: You will have access to our direct phone number and email address to assist you in receiving a prompt response from us.

  • Session time: Although your sessions may be scheduled, you will receive extended session time when needed.  Sometimes we just need a little extra time, but in the traditional therapy model, that’s not possible.

  • Quick scheduling: Your clinician will usually honor your request for a session within 2 days, if not same or next day scheduling.

Flexible Session Location

Discover the care, convenience, and flexibility of JEM Concierge’s personalized therapy services, designed to accommodate your unique needs and environment. Our dedicated clinicians provide support in your preferred setting, ensuring time, privacy, and accessibility; accelerating your journey toward growth and well-being.

  • Time and privacy: If time or privacy is a concern, your clinician can provide services in your home, school, or office. *

  • Accessibility for couple/family sessions: If it’s a challenge to adjust all schedules to meet at our offices, we can come to you. *

  • Support growth in your natural environment – If support is needed in your home or community settings, we will provide services there.*

    * (Must be within 15 miles of JEM office locations)

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Let’s Get Started

Elevate your therapeutic journey with JEM Concierge’s personalized, flexible, and dedicated care that brings expert support directly to you. Unlock a world of  growth, healing, and recovery with JEM Concierge’s carefully curated treatment plans and expert guidance.

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