As summer comes to a close and the start of the school year quickly approaches, it’s natural for both parents and students to experience a mix of emotions. Alongside the excitement of new beginnings, feelings of anxiety, sadness, and fear can also arise. This back-to-school season, let’s focus on building resilience, managing stress, and embracing the transition with a balanced, mindful approach. 

Here are four steps you can take to transition from the unstructured summer to the school schedule thoughtfully.

         1. Strike a Balance

Embrace the remaining summer fun and anticipate the busy season.  As you dive into school preparation, also savor the remaining days of summer. Enjoy the fun in the sun while incorporating stimulating activities or conversations to keep your child’s mind sharp.

    • Enjoy a family game night, complete with brain-boosting board games and puzzles.
    • Encourage your child to snuggle up with a good book or journal about what they want to experience this school year.
    • Set aside a few hours between now and the first day of school to have some fun or engage in a good conversation together.

          2. Manage Back-to-School Anxiety and Social Anxiety

As the first day of school draws near, your child may experience some anxiety related to academic performance, social situations, or adapting to a new environment. You can support them in managing these natural anticipatory feelings by:

    • Taking a walk together, encouraging them to engage in some deep breathing or meditation to help ease their stress.
    • Ask them what they are most worried about and role-play these “scary” scenarios to build confidence in navigating social situations.
    • Telling them stories about your own “first day/new kid” experiences to normalize their feelings. Remind them that everyone (even you) experiences some level of anxiety when doing something new.
    • Validate their strengths and remind them of scary situations they have gotten through in the past. It’s easy to forget how resilient we are and all we have accomplished when we are emotional and anxious.

Sharpened colored pencils lines up in an uneven row

        3.  Build Emotional Resilience

The transition from summer break to the school year can bring up feelings of sadness and fear for both parents and students. To cope with these emotions, focus on fostering open communication, emotional self-awareness, and a sense of resilience.

    • Encourage your child to share their feelings with you by being genuinely curious about their experience and provide a safe space for them to express themselves.
    • Validate their emotions and remind them that it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions during this time.
    • Help them distinguish between rational concerns and irrational fears.

        4. Reorient to the School Year with Mindful Preparation

To make the transition as smooth as possible, re-establish routines and habits that will support your child’s success in the coming school year:

    • Reintroduce a regular sleep schedule to ensure they’re well-rested and ready to learn.
    • Set up a designated study space at home to foster focus and organization.
    • Encourage your child to reconnect with classmates before the school year starts.
    • Foster excitement about learning by discussing their favorite subjects or extracurricular activities.

As parents, it’s important to approach the back-to-school season with balance, empathy, and a proactive mindset to help your child manage anxiety and thrive in the new school year. By fostering resilience, open communication, and mindful preparation, you can turn this period of transition into an opportunity for growth, connection, and success.

Colored lockers with light shining off of them, all closed.

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Melanie Flint

Melanie E. Flint, LCSW-S, CGP, EAP, is the Founder & Clinical Director of JEM Wellness & Counseling, PLLC.